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Having been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis around 16 years previously and an extended period of unsuccessful treatment with anti inflammatory medication, my consultant at the local Gastroenterolology department was pushing me to move to the next level of treatment which involved either biologics or immunosuppressant treatments. Having taken a second opinion on this and with previous history of a grade 1 Astro Cytoma, I was not at all comfortable with this development. The path seemed a well trodden route to increasingly aggressive and invasive treatment with the eventual possibility of surgical intervention. I was also told that with a consistently high reading of Calprotectin, I was at significantly increased risk of developing bowel cancer. With this background and advice, in some desperation we then embarked on a very restrictive diet with a nutritionist with limited success and after 18 months of this we came across Dr Gupta after research online. Dr Gupta undertook extensive blood, stool and urine tests and analysed the results with us in a way that combined traditional and functional approaches. We have been on this programme now for nearly 2 years and for the first time since diagnosis in 2006, I feel that I am in remission. My symptoms have stabilised, I am now able to operate in my daily life in a way that was simply not possible under traditional medication and I have successfully reduced my anti inflammatories from the maximum dose to almost 50%. Other effects of the treatment under Dr Gupta have been widespread such as energy, focus, mental wellbing and general lifestyle. I am now able to take a much longer term view of day to day situations, I now am able to deal with increased stress without this having a knock on effect on my UC and have a much clearer mind to deal with issues at work and home. This has been a complete lifestyle shift, I do not think it would have been possible without either Dr Gupta’s experience or an absolute dedication to the programme from my side, it is not easy and it is a long road but as someone who started the journey with some scepticism, I would have no hesitation in wholeheartedly recommending it to anyone experiencing medicl issues and frustration with the cut and paste treatment programmes offered under the prevailing traditional approach in their region. It does require complete commitment to the programme however it is certainly worth sticking to it long term as the results are profound.Kurt James – CEO, ulcerative colitis
Our 8 year old son was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease close to 4 years ago, we started along the conventional medicine route but soon realised that long term this was not the most ideal nor healthiest way. We sought Dr Guptas help and have not been disappointed. She is helping strengthen our sons body/immune system through diet/supplements and lifestyle changes. After 6 months we have already seen big improvements in his health and also his blood work. We look forward to continuing working with Dr Gupta in the future and couldn’t recommend her enough!Victoria Gardner, Crohn’s disease
Thank you for all your incredible help and changing my health and well being, I have improved under your care dramatically and I am so incredibly grateful for your support and expertise. It has been a long journey for me, hard work but all was worth it 100%. My family have me back, my work have me back and I found myself once again. It was a scary time for me 3 years ago when I contacted you for the first time, I could not think straight when we were on the phone, and now I can work and look after my children, I will be forever grateful for your care. Anna Kotek, unexplained medical symptoms
I had been struggling with terrible fatigue for a few years. It finally progressed to the point that I was waking up late and going back to bed. The lethargy got the best of me and I visited a functional medicine doctor who missed my diagnosis. When I finally came across Dr. Gupta, I was desperate for some help. She looked at my old tests and took her own new tests and diagnosed me with Hashimotos. Which was consistent with my fatigue, and chronic low energy. I knew something was off, I knew that this feeling couldn't be normal. She prescribed me two medicines and several supplements. She also set me up with a consultation with a nutritionist. Determined to feel better, I followed a STRICT diet of what foods to eat and to avoid. I'm now three months into everything. I have been taken off one of the meds and reduced the other by 50%. I've lost ten pounds and feel and look great. I've got energy again. My hope is that I will eventually come off the meds as I continue to heal my body and my gut.Rainy K, Hashimoto’s underactive thyroid
Dr Gupta has been a real saviour for me. I had a serious health crisis about 2 years ago with brain fog, severe fatigue and other debilitating symptoms, which made it difficult for me to carry out my daily activities. I went through at least 10 doctors and no one could find a diagnosable illness. My GP finally suggested that I had a chronic fatigue syndrome. Luckily for me, as I was about to give up, Dr Gupta has helped me to put my life on track through a tailor made programme and I couldn’t be more grateful. I whole heartedly recommend Dr Gupta to any one who suffers from auto immune and / or fatigue issues. She’s wonderful!Anonymous, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
I had been suffering with long covid for 18 months when I found Dr Gupta. I was stuck at about 40% health and feeling very low. I had already seen the long covid clinic and felt quite disappointed that there didn't seem to be much they could do for my fatigue or many other symptoms. Dr Gupta took a full history and really listened to my journey and experiences. Blood tests were organised promptly and within 48 hours she received some results that revealed a thyroid disease and viral reinfection. We also discussed dietary and lifestyle changes which have also had a positive impact on my health. While I am not back to 100% yet, I am at 75% which I couldn't have even imagined achieving before. I have had the steepest recovery in the last 6 months than I have had over my now 2 years of ill health. I attribute that to Dr Gupta and her fantastic guidance, interventions and support. I am so so grateful.Shazi, Long-covid and EBV